
Full organization of the Fleetwood Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 was affected August 12, 1914, as follows: President C. A. Miller; Vice pres. Charles Madeira; Recording Sec, Samuel H. Rothermel; Financial Sec., Calvin H. Adam; Treasurer, Warren G. Hartman; Trustees, A. P. Merkel – one year, H. C. Ulrich – two years, N.J. Kutz – Three years; chief Charles I. Kieffer; foreman, Jonas Wahl; Assistant, H.J. Herbin; Hoseman, James W. Stump and Fred Stout; Engineers, Walter M. Bausher, Earl Moatz. Frank Slavin, Ruel Merkel, Robert Schlegel, Paul Stahler, Morris Folk, Oscar O. Dries, Elmer Schaffer, John Herring, Leon Fegley and William Seaman. The president named the following committees: Membership, J. W. Stump, D. M. Herbein, Norman Ringler and Earl Moatz. Charter: N.J. Kutz, A. P. Merkel, H. C. Ulrich. Constitution and by – laws: Charles I. Kieffer, S. Y. Weidenhammer and Samuel H. Rothermel.

Subscription toward new fire fighting equipment received at this meeting totaled $228.00. A fire company fair was held in the town hall and approximately $1,000.00 was realized. The company became a member of the State Firemen’s Association in November 1919. Warren G. Hartman, the company’s first treasurer, died while serving in office. The first representatives to the Berks County Fire Zone were Calvin H. Adam and Calvin A. Miller. A Jeffery’s Truck, which was the company’s first fire fighting apparatus, was ordered on February 20, 1917 at a cost of $1,957.00. The electric fire alarm was purchased on February 21, 1918. This was placed on the roof of the Kutz Building, now First National Bank Building. The convention of Berks County Firemen’s Association was entertained in Fleetwood for the first time in May 1919. In 1923 the membership of the company was 673, and the officers were as following: Pres: Calvin A. Miller Vice Pres: Charles Angstadt: Recording Secretary, Lewis M. Schirey: Assistant, Ervin Kalbach; Financial Secretary, Andrew S. Stump; treasurer, Joel B. Schaeffer; Trustees, Thomas Boyer, H. C. Ulrich, Lewis Schoedler and Chief Oscar O. Dries.