Fleetwood Class Pennants

Fleetwood Class Pennants

We have most of the class pennants and a good selection of Fleetwood High yearbooks. We also have band uniforms and sports uniforms.

Fleetwood Class Photos

Fleetwood Class Photos

We have a good selection of class photos but we are always looking for more. Please contact us.

Fleetwood School Desk

Fleetwood School Desk

This desk was used by many kindergarten teachers. Each one signed the inside of the desk. This was donated by our charter member Lillian Schlegel Walter.

Fleetwood Sports Memorbilia

Fleetwood Sports Memorbilia

Sports memorabilia including the 1957 State Basketball Championship trophy.

Fleetwood Sports Trophies

Fleetwood Sports Trophies

Sports trophies and a painting of the Stone Lane one-room school. We have a complete record of Fleetwood School District buildings.