Welcome to Fleetwood Area Historical Society

Through generous support and foresight Fleetwood Borough Council, made space available in Fleetwood Area Community Center Building.  We are grateful to the many hours of volunteer labor. We were able to transform former schoolrooms into a museum, an office and a conference meeting room for many.

Fleetwood Historical Society Photo BookSpecial Note: Society to reprint Anniversary Photo Book

We have already sold out of our Anniversary Photobook, but we are looking to do a reprint. If you are interested in ordering the Annivaeraery photo book, place click on the link below to download and print out an order form.

Click Here to download your order form for the Anniversary Photo Book.

car | fleetwood area historical society

Regular Hours:

The Museum is open Mondays from 9 AM to 12 Noon

2nd Sunday of each month 1 PM to 4 PM

Groups of adults or school children are welcome. We will
gladly open the museum to suit your group’s available
time. Call 610-944-5800

Fleetwood Rauch Rexall Booth


110 W. Arch St., Suite 1

Fleetwood, PA 19522

Get Directions HERE

Upcoming Events

The Fleetwood Area Historical Society will meet on Wednesday, December 18th, at 7 P.M.  in their meeting room in the Fleetwood  Community Center.

We will reminisce about previous holiday meetings, show slides of Roadside America, discuss recent museum discoveries, and elect officers for 2025.  We need a president, a vice president, and a recording secretary.

The meeting is open to the public.

See what some of our visitors had to say…