Fleetwood Elementary School History

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Fleetwood Elementary School is located at 109 West Vine Street. The original building was constructed in 1957 following an agreement that was signed by the Fleetwood School District to create the Fleetwood Joint Junior-High School. It was agreed that each of the districts would provide provisions for their elementary students. Fleetwood Elementary original structure contained nine classrooms, a kindergarten, and a multi-purpose room. Eight full time teachers and three part time teachers served the 1957 student population.

As the Fleetwood area experienced growth, major renovations and an addition to the Fleetwood school occurred in 1992-93. The building now has 13 classrooms, conference rooms, a music room, an art room, a library with a reading nook, an office suite, a health suite, and a multi-purpose room.

Currently, Fleetwood operates under a K-4 organizational structure. A learning support class, a life skills class, and a gifted program compliment the regular educational program. A planned course of study has been developed by the instructional staff for each subject area, and curriculum reviews take place on a four year cycle.

Fleetwood’s enrollment, as of this publication, is 262 students taught by a staff of 13 classroom teachers a learning support teacher and a life skills teacher and staff. in addition to the regular staff, the school is served by a Title I reading teacher, a support teacher, art, computer, music and physical education teachers, a guidance counselor, a librarian, a nurse, a speech and language teacher, an instructional aide, and a school psychologist. The office staff consists of the principal, a dean of elementary students a secretary and a clerical aide. The Fleetwood Parent Teacher Organization works very closely with the educational staff to provide a variety of activities, programs and instructional materials for students and staff. The Parent Teacher Organization is committed to strengthening the link between home and school.

The conscientious and caring staff of Fleetwood Elementary is committed to providing for all students the opportunities they need to reach their fullest potential as life long learners.